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Oktoberfest at the Quakertown Fire Company
Saturday, 3 October 2020
The Quakertown Fire Company pit bosses really know how to light a fire - for barbecue that is!
Their specialty is barbecue, done several times a year - Superbowl in February, for example.
But now it is October, which means it is time for the Quakertown Fire Company's Oktoberfest.
There is a sign at the fire station. It is mentioned on the community Facebook page.
You don't want to miss it. Walk-ins are welcome, if there's anything left. Pre-order
it will be safer if you want to be sure of getting what you want. Do it from a week ahead up to the day before on the fire company's own site and they'll have it ready. That said, when I was waiting, socially distancing from other hungry people, two guys came in and ordered 3 Oktoberfest platters and a full rack of ribs. Of course that was at 2:00 p.m. when the event had just opened.
The fire engines were all parked outside, clearing the fire station for people to distance from each other. The weather being so lovely there were some tables set up in case anyone wanted to dine on the premises. But I, and everyone else seemed to think take-out was a great idea.
Ribs - that's a given. Sausages - it's October. No bbq wings - pity, they are so good. And sides.
On the left: grilled weisswurst and bratwurst buried under sauerkraut, 3 potato pancakes in the center, then half of the half rack of barbecued spareribs. In the background the remaining sides from the order - applesauce, coleslaw, and some really nice mustard. But the beers were ours.
My potato pancakes are better but I'll never match their barbecue. Yummy!
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